Why can not our government create a ideal country like Meliora?
For politics, powers have a huge effect. Powers can also bring changes to people who have powers. Especially, for a president. Dictatorship is behind politics even if most of countries have democracy as their government form. To enforce a policy, leading by a certain person or group is needed. However every country has divided classes invisibly. Some people are treated as higher class, lower class, or middle class. Obviously, sun shines for every countries. Though there is shade and light. On that sense, only one government is following for a country. Many nations that can be divided by different classes are belonged to a government.
If higher classes do not recognize their duties for a country, a country can never ba a ideal country. This notion brought Noblesse Oblige.
It is hard to anticipate what is to come. With developed technology, we always predict what is to come. For disasters, our probability to predict is extremely low. What is going on current world about disaster? March,11,2011 was a day global citizens would remeber in history of human's society. Earthquake, Tsunamis left Japan devastated.
Earthquake and tsunami hit Japan - News from BBC
Widespread desturction from Japan earthquake, tsunamis- News from CNN
This massive catastrophe was not predicted to bring a huge effect on entire Japan. This is another reason why a government can not organize a ideal country. The following is Meliora's Disaster Proposal by Holly Lee, Sabrina Shih, David Hung, Ingrid Liu.
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