Case study #4 Africa - A fragile peace on a bloodied continent (NIE)


The purpose of this article is to inform that the peace processes are mostly home-grown through many countries in Africa. It also informs that peace in Africa is possibly getting achieved. It is still fragile peace, though. It also reminds that an importance of African states and supporters can change Africa if they are a bit more innovative for change in Africa. By stating major incidents which were affected to African peace including wars, the main topic clearly expressed. This article also shows limitation in some regions in Africa. And that emphasized how important the role of supporters is, showing instances of Sudan, Angola, Congo. This article is editorial which includes news, features, and opinions. This article basically emphasize roles being a supporter for African peace, stating what UN Security Council is being innovative for African peace. It also shows the beginning of aid from America. As I wrote an artifact about nationalism, I still think that they still pursuit nationalism for their real civilization. It is certainly true that the world is getting much global mainly following by developing countries, advanced countries. On that sense, it may be obvious for them to bring African civil wars to an end. This article entirely shows how Africa gets changed-Africans are bringing their biggest civil wars to an end-. The writer also expected African politics using "increasingly resilient."

There is one fact that I do not agree in this article. The writer made Africa be in tragic situation literally. He or she regarded Africa as one of continents that help is essential. Africa, as one of continents, doesn't mean that Africa is too weak. Maybe we do not have deep deliberation, understading on Africa. Some people only think their civil wars, the natives of Africa or their culture as the entire Africa. That is some part of the continent Africa. Africa has ground that nations can live. Africa also has trees helped lifes of humans. Every country has limits. Limitation which Africa also has been thrown into sharp relief by different perspectives. Every countries have different resources, so we called, Circumstances.What can the natives of Africa feel about a spotlight from the entire world? Every country has its own culture. Sometimes it is come to a fresh impact. When I first met my African friend, it was unique meeting which gave me a fresh impact. She was entirely different compared to my prejudice which I had before I met her. Ignorance on Africa can not be a criteria for judging where a continent stands on global line.

Vocabularies for this article according to Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
§Rampage : As a verb, when people or animals rampage through a place, they rush about there in a wild or violent way, causing damage or destruction
As a phrase, If people go on the rampage, they rush about in a wild or violent way, causing damage or destruction.
§Pragmatic : A pragmatic way of dealing with something is based on practical considerations, rather than theoretical ones. A pragmatic person deals with things in a practical way.
§Resilient : Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed.

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