Currently leaving this sunshine portfolio
When I first started creating an artifact on this portfolio, it took almost a day. Even after I finished creating an artifact, what I truly felt was not a sense of satisfaction. I felt somehow satisfacted to the some extent, my artifacts didn't actually look as significent as what others had created.
not done yet
Reflection on the project 'Making the world a better place'
Since everyone has different perspectives, this project was incredibly various by how to define standards of a better place. Most students express to make a better place as it seems. On the other hand, some students express their indomitable voice to make a better place invisibly. One of the best presentations in my perspective which I strongly felt sympathy was Vivian's presentation. She firstly discussed with the problem that the world faced Copyright and Music theft related to the economic losses. The reality of Copy right and Music theft is the one that global citizens can easily feel sympathy. With her efforts of making audience realize, I could indulge in her great presentation. Not only making us realize, but also she had given us a hopeful message. People say that we are the last generation. However, we are the generation that we can always change. What I thought after I realize what she was meant to say, I highly agreed on her idea that world can always a better place without economic losses by illegal ways. Amanda's presentation which mostly contained a better way to get to target psychologically was one of presentations that I think wonderful since world can always be a better place in both psychological or mental ways or visual or physical ways. She had thrown a strong message to audience; STOP CLIMATE CHANGE BEFORE IT CHANGES YOU. What I thought was that my presentation could have been better if I present like their way. Like everybody did, they had captured attentions. Their presentation has something special than others in my perspective. Not only showing and making audience realize, but they gave a strong message which somehow threaten the audience,not in a bad way.
Finale(My presentation) - Making the world a better place, What it meant to be a human?
I am a proud Korean. I'm extremely honored to be a Korean in my life. I didn't strongly feel about how much I am honored to be a Korean when I stayed in Korea. Staying in Taiwan gives me an impactive change on my stereotype. Looking back, Korea was always open-minded for me. And Korea is still open-minded for me.
While I was stressed out figuring out How I can inspire something to my audience under the broad topics-What it meant to be a human, Making the world a better place-, I considered that it is time for me to reward Korea. It was a difficult task since I was not highly indulged in Korean cultures. Nevertheless, I tried my best to be an indomitable patriot for the moment I was presenting. Even though Korea wasn't actually straining its ears to me, I was eager to shout with my romance and excitement so that Korea can at least hear my faint voice. I encouraged my audience to be indulged in Korea cultures which are full of lamentation, sympathy, and spirit. My audience seemingly made a little effort for Korea to be multi-ethnic since they got to a chance to realize something marvelous about Korea. I opened my presentation with a small activity that I expect it to send my message of presentation with an easier way. I had prepared the day before I presented. I brought one of Korean representative food called bibimbap which has special flavor that most of foreigners have never tasted before. I was expecting them to be burned by Korean's hotness. I played Korean tune while my audience were encouraged to taste the food that I had prepared by orders from the step called Australopithecus to a human. After they had tasted, I expected them to feel that the more the vegetables are put together, the better it tastes like the way that Korea can always be a fantastic place, if its cultures are mixed and preserved by greatest citizens who have global consciousness with indomitable heart. I showed my audience my info-graphic which I grafted cultures on the vegetables which are the ingredients for the better bibimbap. My info-graphic was capturing enough attention to be colorful. I presented that the pungency of Kimchi and Bibimbap conveys the traditional taste of hotness of Korea. And the foods like Kimchi or Bibimbap show pertinacious ethnicity that Korea is always enthusiastic to be united in the way that ingredients are put together and make a better taste. I hope it was pretty impactive for foreigners who are more used to the taste of the ketchup or hot sauce. I briefly mentioned the next fascinating culture that most of foreigners are fascinated by.There are still bunch of fanatical fans who are extremely into Korean waves all over the world by Korean pop culture. Korean pop culture has proved widely the potential possibility of Korea. The pop culture of Korea contain dynamic, lyrically abundant and descriptive of modernized yet deeply ethnic waves. I also tried to show the strong ethnicity that current Korea is seemingly more splendid than it is. Korea has gotten over many crisis on their history. They had innumerably held candlelight vigils whenever they express their voice. Like a miracle, little effort made enormous achievements for the real democratization. The foreigners who had been there had told me that they can't ever forget the fervor of the street. I basically showed the burning enthusiasm which never knows to be stopped by indomitable Korean, tenacity. I still think that Korea is an unpolished leather shoe. As many people had already known, leather shoe is attractive enough to be apparently gotten spotlights. However, I put "unpolished." That means to say, they have some problems faced. The limitation of Korean is one thing that can be pointed out on my perspective. The leather shoe has slightly cracked which can absolutely be a stumbling-block to influential progress. Like other countries in Asia including Taiwan, Koreans are seemingly tended to be racial or discriminatory. Universal consciousness which can be well-fitted on the civilized world should necessarily be embedded in Korean’s perspective in every second, since nations of Korea make an image of Korea.
Above all things, the atmosphere of the conference room while I was presenting was too warm.
Even though my presentation was not perfect than I had expected, my great improvement involuntarily tugged at my heart strings.
While I was stressed out figuring out How I can inspire something to my audience under the broad topics-What it meant to be a human, Making the world a better place-, I considered that it is time for me to reward Korea. It was a difficult task since I was not highly indulged in Korean cultures. Nevertheless, I tried my best to be an indomitable patriot for the moment I was presenting. Even though Korea wasn't actually straining its ears to me, I was eager to shout with my romance and excitement so that Korea can at least hear my faint voice. I encouraged my audience to be indulged in Korea cultures which are full of lamentation, sympathy, and spirit. My audience seemingly made a little effort for Korea to be multi-ethnic since they got to a chance to realize something marvelous about Korea. I opened my presentation with a small activity that I expect it to send my message of presentation with an easier way. I had prepared the day before I presented. I brought one of Korean representative food called bibimbap which has special flavor that most of foreigners have never tasted before. I was expecting them to be burned by Korean's hotness. I played Korean tune while my audience were encouraged to taste the food that I had prepared by orders from the step called Australopithecus to a human. After they had tasted, I expected them to feel that the more the vegetables are put together, the better it tastes like the way that Korea can always be a fantastic place, if its cultures are mixed and preserved by greatest citizens who have global consciousness with indomitable heart. I showed my audience my info-graphic which I grafted cultures on the vegetables which are the ingredients for the better bibimbap. My info-graphic was capturing enough attention to be colorful. I presented that the pungency of Kimchi and Bibimbap conveys the traditional taste of hotness of Korea. And the foods like Kimchi or Bibimbap show pertinacious ethnicity that Korea is always enthusiastic to be united in the way that ingredients are put together and make a better taste. I hope it was pretty impactive for foreigners who are more used to the taste of the ketchup or hot sauce. I briefly mentioned the next fascinating culture that most of foreigners are fascinated by.There are still bunch of fanatical fans who are extremely into Korean waves all over the world by Korean pop culture. Korean pop culture has proved widely the potential possibility of Korea. The pop culture of Korea contain dynamic, lyrically abundant and descriptive of modernized yet deeply ethnic waves. I also tried to show the strong ethnicity that current Korea is seemingly more splendid than it is. Korea has gotten over many crisis on their history. They had innumerably held candlelight vigils whenever they express their voice. Like a miracle, little effort made enormous achievements for the real democratization. The foreigners who had been there had told me that they can't ever forget the fervor of the street. I basically showed the burning enthusiasm which never knows to be stopped by indomitable Korean, tenacity. I still think that Korea is an unpolished leather shoe. As many people had already known, leather shoe is attractive enough to be apparently gotten spotlights. However, I put "unpolished." That means to say, they have some problems faced. The limitation of Korean is one thing that can be pointed out on my perspective. The leather shoe has slightly cracked which can absolutely be a stumbling-block to influential progress. Like other countries in Asia including Taiwan, Koreans are seemingly tended to be racial or discriminatory. Universal consciousness which can be well-fitted on the civilized world should necessarily be embedded in Korean’s perspective in every second, since nations of Korea make an image of Korea.
A leather shoe can always be appreciated in its value with just very its being. Soaring Korea may possibly reach to the sky someday as long as its dynamic cultures are combined by greatest nations of Korea with their indomitable heart. Korea can always be polished leather shoe (fantastic place) if those problems are passed away.
Above all things, the atmosphere of the conference room while I was presenting was too warm.
Even though my presentation was not perfect than I had expected, my great improvement involuntarily tugged at my heart strings.
FInale(Infographic)-Making the world a better place, what it meant to be a human
While I was thinking of Korean cultures, I did not have any ideas about impressing Korean cultures. I was considered cultures of Korea are wonderful if others say so. I've never fallen in deep impression on Korean cultures. Taking my documentary of teachers&friends who had been to Korea for at least 5 days, I was tended to be indulged in Korean cultures. Most of all, food cultures had extremely gotten spotlights. I was thinking how to convey the message that Korea can be a fantastic place if cultures are mixed by greatest citizens of Korea and the food. What I came up with was the most well-loved food, bibimbop. Bibimbop gives foreigners entirely different, hot taste that can never be compared to the taste of Ketchup, Hot sauce, and pepper. After a few days of deliberation, I was thinking to put fascinating cultures of Korea grafting on the vegetables in bibimbap so that it can be stepping stone for Korea to be a fantastic place. I spent many hours by thinking, drawing, painting, and trying. Finally, I considered that It would be the best way for me to show my audience with the real food Bibimbop.
Dynamic cultures shown in this info-graphic can always be dominant of making Korea a better place like the way the more ingredients of bibimbop make a better taste by mixing.
On my presentation, I made a different name for each foods. There were 4 dishes that I had prepared. There were steps called Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens sapiens, Human. On the food in Australopithecus, there was 3 vegetables without any sauces. On the food in Homo Erectus, there was 4 vegetables without any sauces. On the food in Homo sapiens sapiens, there was 5 vegetables with fried-egg. Every vegetables that I prepared was there except for the spicy sauce. On the food in human, there was all colorful vegetables with endemic sauce of Korea. By stating Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens sapiens, and Human, it means that the taste of bibimbop can be better the more vegetables are mixed for a better taste like human had evolved from Australopithecus. As long as Korea's dynamic cultures (partly shown on my info-graphic) are preserved by greatest nations of Korea with their indomitable heart, soaring Korea may possibly reach to the sky soon.
Unpolished leather shoe which is current Korea in my perspective can always be appreciated in its value!
Finale(Documentary)- Making the world a better place, what it meant to be a human
Thank you for all teachers&students who let me take videos.
I appreciate their great images of Korea.
I am highly touched with your bright perspective of Korean cultures.
Thank you for showing indomitable image of Korea.
Final Finale (News+local problem)- Making the world a better place, What it meant to be a human
Korea, also called “a small giant that has the biggest heart,” lies in high status of the global world. Even though Korea has had limited voice on its history, its strong spirits forced Korea to be dynamic - for example; Korea is ranked 3rd in the construction industry, 5th in nuclear power plant operations, 5th in the steel industry, 5th in the automotive industry, 1st in the display industry, 1st in the shipbuilding industry, 1st in the semi-conductor industry, and 10th in world trade in the world. Not only does Korea have technological superiority, but also the attractive cultures of Korea give a fresh booster that enchants many foreigners. The three most impressive things about Korea to foreigners include:

Second, K-pop and entertainment industry spreading throughout the world

If there is J-pop in Japan, there is K-pop in Korea! Dynamic, lyrically abundant and descriptive of modernized yet deeply ethnic ways, Korean pop culture (K-pop) has proved widely how much Korea has become global. Wherever you go, there may be many fanatical fans who are extremely into the Korean waves. TV shows, dramas, and actors have impressed a lot of foreigners all over the world with special attractions of Korea. Also, sport stars like Ji-sung Park in Manchester United FC and Yuna Kim in figure skating have definitely contributed to Korea becoming more global. By forming many participatory audition shows for foreigners, it’s not too much to describe Korea as a multi-ethnic
country that is well-fitted in the global world.
Third, delicate tradition with colorful history

A lot of foreigners describe Korea as a country which has the strongest ethnicity. Unity was the only thing that they could get over crisis happening in Korea. For expressing their own voice, they had to be united without any forces. Against Japanese colonial rules, they held a candlelight vigil. Everyone’s little effort made enormous achievements for real democratization. Have you ever heard of Ganggangsulae (traditional Korean circle dance play) which is also registered as an Intangible World Heritage? It’s not just a dance you are thinking about. It was one of the things that the army raised in the cause of justice to show that Korea still had a lot of soldiers to fight. Their burning enthusiasm never knows to be stopped. Nothing can be compared to Korean tenacity. If you had never been to Korea, feel their fanatical eagerness during any soccer plays. You will feel their flying souls.

First of all, Korean hasn't been appointed by the global language despite Korean is
pragmatically designed compared to other languages.
pragmatically designed compared to other languages.
Korean is recognized as the most scientific language in the world by many linguists. Korea has already demonstrated the superiority in that Korean is a phonogram. Korean is a phonetic symbol which is noted by a sound of any words. The greatest characteristic of Korea is that it is definitely organized to derive phonetically the same, affiliated words by adding a stroke. Korean is one of the most unique languages all over the word since each character was created by modeling on the vocal organs. International linguists are absolutely inspired, admired thinking Korean should be the global language instead of English. English is pretty limited considering that there are bunch of words that can’t ever be directly translated to their own meaning.
It’s true that Korea is flying for the more civilized world. However, Korea is slightly cracked which can absolutely be a stumbling-block to influential progress. Like other countries placed in Asia, Koreans are seemingly tended to be racial or discriminatory. Nations all together make an image of Korea even from trivial matters. An image can be utterly affected to make a strong impression to foreigners who have been to Korea. Universal consciousness which can be well-fitted on the civilized world should necessarily be embedded in Korean’s perspective in every second.
A leather shoe can always be appreciated in its value with just very its being. Soaring Korea may reach to the sky someday as long as its endemic cultures are combined by greatest nations of Korea with their indomitable heart.
Eyes on Africa - Final Review
Through Eyes on Africa, every presenter might have achieved a lot of fruitions. Even though our voice is not strong enough to be published all over the world, every presenter at least digs his/her stereotypes to make audience realize. While we were contributing, most students would be able to find the African Perspectives. Naturally, we were able to indulge in attractions of natural Africa. The ways to be realized were a bit different. There were students who had shown the real spirits of Africa with particular tribes, regions showing its own culture or custom. On the other hand, there were presenters who had motivated audience by showing tragedy of Africa which mostly related to our allusions. The thing I like about the first case of presenters was that every student who had contributed to tribes, regions indirectly showed that the voice of Africa can be much more unique if “Nationality” is added. It is true that our world is getting global. It is easily recognized that nationalism can be negative in international society for causing territory problem. However, it is obviously true that the case of Africa is a bit different. For rights of human, independence, nationalism was not too much to be deserved as an absolute ideology. A lot of classmates had put themselves for Eyes on Africa. The way Ingrid had put herself on character was extremely impressive. The thing that I like about the second case of presenters was that they mostly used vivid, clear resources to let audience be realized. Since all of audience had allusions of Africa, even though they had never been there before, they at least had an idea that Africa is not like a peaceful continent in 21th century. The key was attention for audience. On that sense, the thing I like is Sabrina’s way to make audience be realized. She first gave all of audience a paper which audience can write something down on it. She asked audience to write what comes on your mind when you first hear of Africa. A lot of people first come up with the negative sides of Africa since they were not indulged in attraction of colorful Africa. Obviously, most classmates wrote something negative like HID, AIDS. She stuck all papers she had gotten on the house she had made. We couldn’t see how the inside house looked like. Since we are stereotyped, it was impossible for us to see the internal Africa. Her idea was meaningful causing attention.
Like TED presentations, presenters don’t put every word on the screen. With deliberate consideration, it would be improving for us not to have all words on our script. If we just make a note showing what content we have briefly, it would be better presentation causing opportunities to eye-contact with audience for attention. If we make a note instead of a script, we will not be stuck by sentence. The next thing I noticed was that vivid imagery can bring fresh impact. That attention by impact does extremely matter. The lasting thing is that I think it would be better if we ask general things for better progress to audience causing attention. Attention is the major thing that has a tremendous power to pull a presentation to success.
Time to be a fire-fighter
I can't agree more. He was addressing what I was on my mind about the whold Africa. The whole sentences spoken by him were extremely sincere even though it was taken 6 years ago. I just got to know him, however I think he might be a soulmate.
When Mr.Kinzer asked me what our world can do for Africa right now, I couldn't give him a clear answer. I knew that we could do something pragmatic for Africa. Now what I think about the most effective and pragmatic way is to write autugraph letter like this TED Talker hoped the audience of TED (political people) to do for Africa.
"Most of you started out wanting to change the world, didn't you? Most of you did, the digital world. Well, now, actually because of you, it is possible to change the physical world. It's a fact. Economists confirm it, and they know much more than I do. So why, then, are we not pumping our fists into the air? Probably because when we admit we can do something about it, we've got to do something about it. It is a pain in the arse. This equality business is actually a pain in the arse. But for the first time in history, we have the technology, we have the know-how, we have the cash, we have the life-saving drugs."
"Idealism detached from action is just a dream. But idealism allied with pragmatism, with rolling up your sleeves and making the world bend a bit, is very exciting. It's very real. It's very strong. And it's very present in a crowd like you."
Humanity is the just thing that the primitive Africa has had while our entire world is gradually forgetting about it.
Eyes on Africa - Review on the second radiant week of digging our stereotypes
Following the first week, digging our stereotypes was continuous. The thing I felt during this period with this presentation as being a presenter and one of audience was that even though our voice is not strong enough to be shown to the all over the world, we achieved a lot of fruitions. If our presentation could make stereotype of someone different, our fruition might be deserved as a prolific work. I was highly interested in the presentations of others. Our classmates made me realize something from their presentation. I hope my presentation can be meant in the same way that I feel their voices.
The conflicts between the tribe Hutu and Tutsi had been generally known by the movie, Hotel Rwanda. When I first saw the movie, I couldn't deeply feel sympathy. I thought I was a sentimental human. After watching the movie, my mind had mingled feelings that I haven't felt before. It was subtle feeling that I could feel a little bit. Francois who brought up with the society of Rwanda comparing with 3 periods showing the effects of Imperialism. With continuous gunshots, they might not know how they needed to finish the wars. The wars which seemed it was never going to be ended actually ended up with forgiveness between each other. Is that the epic of Africa? The thing that I could feel in their lyrical perspective was that African based on Hutu and Tutsi are extremely rational.
Most of people think wilderness of Africa when they first think of Africa. Jessica had characterized the fear of Africa which the wilderness is getting removed somehow. The thing that she had shared the tribe Massai with this the disappear of wilderness. Massai tribe is also known as the tribe that had no winner and loser. That presentation was not just making us feel compassion. If you think of it deeply, It can also be seemed differently. If no one seeks for own interest, there will be no conflicts happening. Like the Tribe Hutu and Tutsi, Massai Tribe can also indirectly show their emotion.
Based on the primitive Tribe, Dogon Tribe, Richard had shared the majour tourist attraction causes change in cultural. The thing that most areas of Africa had been applied that if population goes up, the amounts of limited resources decreased. Some classmates had presented their short stories realizing pathos from short stories. They may be the ones who had been looked deeply on colonisation and domination. They digged the words like colonization, Imperialism to show the class. Especially, Sabrina had done wonderful job. I had presented starting about the stereotypes of Africa. I absolutely agree that a lot of people are stereotyped. Sabrina had shown that we can not see inside the house that she had made surrounding by our stereotypes. She asked us to write something down when you think of Africa. Most students wrote allusions on the Continent Africa. HID, AIDS, Famine and so on. She sticked the ideas that audience wrote on the paper she had given on the surface of the house that she had made. It was amazing to let audience know that our stereotypes hide colorful Africa. It was fantastic.
It was really amazing to meet the sincere spirit of Africa with tribes.
The conflicts between the tribe Hutu and Tutsi had been generally known by the movie, Hotel Rwanda. When I first saw the movie, I couldn't deeply feel sympathy. I thought I was a sentimental human. After watching the movie, my mind had mingled feelings that I haven't felt before. It was subtle feeling that I could feel a little bit. Francois who brought up with the society of Rwanda comparing with 3 periods showing the effects of Imperialism. With continuous gunshots, they might not know how they needed to finish the wars. The wars which seemed it was never going to be ended actually ended up with forgiveness between each other. Is that the epic of Africa? The thing that I could feel in their lyrical perspective was that African based on Hutu and Tutsi are extremely rational.
Most of people think wilderness of Africa when they first think of Africa. Jessica had characterized the fear of Africa which the wilderness is getting removed somehow. The thing that she had shared the tribe Massai with this the disappear of wilderness. Massai tribe is also known as the tribe that had no winner and loser. That presentation was not just making us feel compassion. If you think of it deeply, It can also be seemed differently. If no one seeks for own interest, there will be no conflicts happening. Like the Tribe Hutu and Tutsi, Massai Tribe can also indirectly show their emotion.
Based on the primitive Tribe, Dogon Tribe, Richard had shared the majour tourist attraction causes change in cultural. The thing that most areas of Africa had been applied that if population goes up, the amounts of limited resources decreased. Some classmates had presented their short stories realizing pathos from short stories. They may be the ones who had been looked deeply on colonisation and domination. They digged the words like colonization, Imperialism to show the class. Especially, Sabrina had done wonderful job. I had presented starting about the stereotypes of Africa. I absolutely agree that a lot of people are stereotyped. Sabrina had shown that we can not see inside the house that she had made surrounding by our stereotypes. She asked us to write something down when you think of Africa. Most students wrote allusions on the Continent Africa. HID, AIDS, Famine and so on. She sticked the ideas that audience wrote on the paper she had given on the surface of the house that she had made. It was amazing to let audience know that our stereotypes hide colorful Africa. It was fantastic.
It was really amazing to meet the sincere spirit of Africa with tribes.