Our world is much broad than we have been thinking. There is limitation for mediae of TV or even Internet to report everything all over the world. We may get an opportunity to be reported things that deserve to be minor. But the problem is that we often turn our faces away from the things that we deserve to take a close look for that we are human living in the global world. On that sense, this movie Hotel Rwanda tugged at my heartstrings. The Movie Hotel Rwanda shows the past that brought brutal effects for that we justly had not care at all. That expectant attention brought tragic to Rwanda. Since the movie has been focused by that the movie is humane movie based on the true story who saved lifes of 1268 people for 100 days, the movie does not just focus on making an affectionating touching. This movie apparently shows how an extreme apathy effects. There can be 3 different perspectives shown on this movie. Rwanda's citizens were described well showing how an extreme apathy terribly effects. As shown the neartly first part of the movie, it didn't matter that much before the Genocide. It was impactive that when a reporter asked whether you are a Hutu or Tutsi, one of friends said Hutu. On the other hand, one of friends said Tutsi. Another thing showing on this movie was that the main character and his wife belonged in different parts. When they found out that Hutu takes Tutsi and Tutsi takes Hutu by only the difference of ideologies, the citizens of Rwanda didn't know what was going on and especially why. It was an actual occurrence that when a Tutsi farmer was asked the reason why the Genocide had happened, his answer was "Because of bad leaders." And they might not have known that they hated each other. A reporter Raymond bourner even reported that " the difference of body types followed by marriages for generations is gone. Rwandans sometimes can't distinguish who is Tutsi and who is Hutu." It was clear that the citizens of Rwanda didn't even know why. They were just frightened to lose everything by different origins. In reality, UN was unconditional to them. It was the sole way to get away from the cruel massacre. However, Rwandan Genocide was the worst case showing the wimpishness of UN. And citizens of Rwanda believed UN as if a gleam of hope. When I saw that UN is leaving on a rainy day, I even felt a sense of shame which can also be shown on the movie as how our internaional society looked like to Africa, including Rwanda. On that sense, one of perspectives can be UN's perspective. Rwandans believed them sincerely, they couldn't expect Africa. They didn't know latent ability of people in Africa. That maybe the one that our current society had forgotten still now. UN might not know how an extreme apathy will effect. They were literally strong. The international society UN had denied that they are never peacemaker. When did they keep the peace? Did they try purposely? It was not too much to say that they might even turn Rwandan's misfortune to acoount. Wasn't that true that the peace flied away when UN first set foot? Apparently the last perspective can be the perspective of either Hutu or Tutsi. Although Hutu and Tutsi were catching each other frantically, their perspectives are basically alike. By their the only way to meet the world, MEDIA, Hutu was contemptous to Tutsi. And Tutsi was contemptous to Hutu. Needless to say,
Senseless violence was everywhere between Tutsi and Hutu. The only way they could feel the world was the radio. The way to report the reality tragically had obviously made situation worse and worse. Both Hutu and Tutsi thought Rwandan society was rotten by each other. A deadly affront was the only connetion between them.
"Cut the tall trees!, kill all the cockroaches"
I found it amazing that the only way to distinguish each other was the only stamp inscribed on their identification cards. The cause to seperate them was the imperialism of Belgium. They distinguished that if a nose is a bit flat as Hutu. However, the western reporter didn't even distingush them. There was no way to distinguish properly if both Hutu and Tutsi didn't show their identification cards.
On reflection, the support for Africa was just official for their resources. Now it's time for us to realize with ripening-ethical perspective.
Why can't we be United States of Africa?
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