Case study #4 Africa - Eyes on Africa (Comparison with one of peers)

Eyes on Africa

For the following seminar under the topic of Eyes on Africa, I chose Sierra Leone to try to express an untterable fascination of Africa. We can only see what is in front of us, instead of looking a wide side. Showing that we are all streotyped in somehow, I was highly willing people to realize the reality of Africa. Africa is not the continent that you are thinking of. It's the continent of latency, the continent of colorful cultures with their passion. For specifying those and their history, I chose Sierra Leone on the assumption of that Sierra Leone is the most Africanish African country which I can easily dig Sierra Leone. I basically put their historical background with changes of government form, child soldier, some cultures. Especially, I took a close look on Child Soldiers and cultures comparing changes during 200 years. I tried to share their pains in terms of being one of child soldiers.  I also dealed with what thing had apparently changed the most and had not changed at all. The former is their perspectives' on Christianity, the latter is their traditional custom; Female Genital Cutting (Circumcision). Through this long adventure to Africa, I've learned a lot of things including changing my perspectives. Above all things, I've learned that Africa is the colorful continent. While I was working on it, I could feel how highly the nations of Sierra Leone came up with their nationalism. With an African map, I found that there is  a heart that was almost filled with. Not only those, I also found out that their rights as a human is not completely complete. Even though they became a democratic country from 2007(real), there was still limitation. If there was no project like this, I might not know what was going on and what is going on there. By that Sierra Leone doesn't fit on a view of world, our world society doesn't care. Unfortunately, that's somehow true. Nevertheless, I cheer for them sincerely. Forever. I highly wish this presentation helps your mind to realize.
One of my groupmates, David, worked on Sierra Leone. too. He is sharing on the political instability of Sierra Leone and the use of Child Soldiers. He also shares about the Blood Diamonds within Sierra Leone. He basically deals with cruel Civil Wars in Sierra Leone with a book called A long Way Gone. Since he hadn't showed me his presentations, I'm not sure his exact abstract. Sierra Leone can be described in range of Child Soldiers, Diamonds, Civil War, Corrupt Government. Most of our sources are similar. Through this project, he had learned that child soldiers were under drug influence during their involvement in the warblood diamons still slip under the international eyes even if it was banned for shipment and buying. Although the Sierra Leone Civil War is over, disputes and instability still occur over time to time in Sierra Leone.

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