Case study #4 Africa - Do we use a pragmatic way to aid the continent Africa?

Does world use a pragmatic way to aid the continent Africa?

Are we really helping Africa? Is that really for Africa? Most of global citizens think the part of Africa as the entire Africa. When Mr.Mwenda recorded that lecture, six countries of Africa were in Civil Wars out of 53 countries.Or don't relief organizations make our their reality much abject? Can all Africans get international aid that some particular groups are supporting? Like he said, government profit is not domestic economy.
Aids are limitated. International Aids can only send opportunities. They had got these opportunities for many times. Didn't aids matter? They need ability to utilize new opportunities to get profit. That means, their domestic system somehow hasn't caused progress on their economy. The Mediae are generating international aids through Mediae. Only motivation can change Africa right now.

Motivation is the one thing that Africans can change the entire continent Africa.
That motivation can also stimulate for Japan to get over the catastrophe of Japan.

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