Case study #3 - Thomas Malthus

 - the economist who foresaw a dismal future of human by a population bulge
Biographies - Thomas Robert Malthus

The period that Malthus worked on was the period that Industrial revolution was deepen. Even though Human's material life advanced, new problems were brought up by industrial revolution such as crimes, poor people by rapid growth of cities. Malthus who was thinking about the reason why these social phenomenon can be happened. He insisted that population increases geometrically, however the provision increases at the ratio of arithmetical progression. It's an inevitable consequence to get inequality between population and provision in his strenuous literary work. And also, there are two ways to control the population; one is natural way increasing the death rate by disease, war, famine. The other is artifical way to reduce childbirth rate. The latter expressed the opinion that the latter is reasonable way to rising population curb. After his opinion, economy was nicknamed as dismal science.
On the other hand, that opinion offered the idea which can the evolution theory be occured by Darwin. Also, the opinion brought population census of Britain in 1801. By the progress of technology by humans, the production of agriculture was expanded. Accordingly, it seemed that persuasive power was lost from the Western society that benefit of civilization got.However, rapid growth of population and lacking in provision recognized that his opinion can still be effective today.

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