Case study #3 - European Economic issue

§Economy of Europe and Greece§

The eurozone is all those countries that have joined the European single currency, considered as a group.

    "You say you want a revolution."

 When the Beetles sang their song with smiley face, the Europe was different.
From when, students in Europe tried to communicate with many demostrations. It seemed that the notion that they were treated poorly had been holding their mind. To some countries not just in Enrope, it is getting evident that the nations need to be heavily in too much debt of a country. The unemployment rate increases year by year. It is not too much to say that getting a job for the young people of these days is like getting blood from a stone. It is even worse in the case of Eurozone. It is highly expected for young people to hold the rewards from retrenchment policies which were made for keeping the single currency of Europe.
 Gap Minder about the unemployment rate of Europe

Even though this gap-minder can only show the unemployment rate until 2005, it can show how the economy of Europe is getting worse. Especially, the case of Spain is getting serious. The main reason is that financial crisis came to the Spain like a shadow. The financial crisis is getting global. It is not just for Spain. Even many economic powers get affected by global crisis. For example, the Lehman Brothers which is investment back inUnited states which is well-known as one of the economic powers was bankrupt. The economic crisis which is getting global causes to decrease the productivity of a certain country. Lack of jobs all over the world is getting common.
It is true that most of countries all over the world have national debt. It is really hard to pay their national debt back. We try to execute many policies for the reason to pay the national debt back. The major reason is that we try to execute too many policies. However, It is impossible not to try to execute. A mouse tries to run. And, the IMF comes. This is reality.

Lots of international mediae defined the last year as the crisis of Greece. It was obviously true that Greece was falling, the economy of Greece was falling in details. How was Greece in 19th century?
The War of Greek Independence from 1821 to 1829 brought great change to the Greece. That caused to build the Kingdom of Greece with the support by The European Powers. After many trials and revolutions, Greece finally got united in the end of 19th century. Nevertheless, what has been corrupted the economy of Greece? Loose financing and high-levels of social-welfare were main reasons.

It shows the expiration of government bond. From 2011 to 2014, it had been clearly shown that why people said Greece has been in trouble.

Not only the Greece, most of countries in Europe can be in economic difficulty sooner or later.


1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and or processing it?
3.What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
4.Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
5.Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b)Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c)Impact on your learning
d)Level of creativity and originality
6.Any additional commencts.

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