The world develops constantly in all bearings. In the background of the modern life of human, the problems were brought up during the period. People expect that as modern as our life can be enhanced, the problems that were brought up can be improved. The problems were existed in various ways. And, It is true that the problems which were expected to be disappeared are present, somehow. The color of skin did bring up the problems in various ways. That still maybe present in our modern life. Of course, the kinds have differences. First of all, what can be examples of the racism before?
# Racism : the belief that people of some races are inferior to others, and the behavior which is the result of this belief.
1) KKK
Ku Klux Klan
The purpose of KKK was the resistance about political advance of the African Americans. they mainly planned terror of the African American groups. After the Civil war, liberated African Americans started to enter the political activity of America. They tried to mar the power structure of White Americans. Accordingly, the White Americans brought up terrorism. By the law of federation, KKK was disbanded formally. However, they resume their violent activity against the civil rights movement of African Americans. By the continued discrimination of color of skin and the stream of times, their goal was diluted. Now, their activity had been decreased.
2) Aryan Guard
Not just in America, racism was popular in all over the world. Except the Alabama and Texas and some south part of America, the racism is more common in Canada. From old times, Canadians were evaluated that Canadians have similar characteristics with Japanese. They are not that straightforward, seemed quiet.
- Just because of the colored people, they can't enter the club.
In these senses, the America which were full of people who think that it's hard for African American to be the president because of the racism, 2 years has stolen after Obama president. What is the meaning to Americans?
Not just the groups, the various kinds of racism had been existed.
# California gold rush
California Gold rush forced the slaves to work by encouraging that they can confront the windfall by discovering gold in western part. It gave the slaves hollow hope.
More examples of racism still now?
White woman Gillui phip who is living at american southern part Louisiana applied her passport to the agency of the foreign affair. but she replied the answer which the white must correct with the black and will be able to issue. The woman Phip even the parents and the great-grandfather ancestor was all white.The woman sued justly in the court of justice and appealed hers unfair. But, The court of justice absurdly judged that the woman was black. Because 220 years ago that woman was the descendants who born from between the former France orgin farm master and the black bondwoman. This rightly is a law of the blood one drop of the United States
This event happened in 1983.
The blacks who get on to the slave ship from Africa are estimated as 5 or 6 million. Until 1807, the slave immigration was forbidden but the slave who arrived to the United States was 1.5million people. it means that the slave of 4-5million people as many catched alive or died as while moving to american. If even the Indian includes, the United States could be called the human maximum slaughter nation which surpasses Germany which also slaughters a lot of Jews.
in 1857, American Supreme Court gave a decision about the black slave who is not a qualification which will apply a citizenship. "Fundamental right of United States constitution", All people equally was born. From that item referred 'All the person meant the white and the black is not included'. From this recalled about the unconstitutionality judgment on the capital of Korea moving to another place. the human being is only the white like the capital must be Seoul with the custom law. In compliance with the whites custom law, The black and the Yellow race is not the human being.
Lincoln was the slavery supporters thoroughly as he working in state House of Representatives and the federal House of Representatives. by the way, Lincoln is put in the disadvantaged position in Civil War and with the means for overthrowing it's situation he selected an emancipation of the slavery. Like him we are respecting and now the case which we are publishing in the elementary school textbook as the great person. Lincoln is only the political great man in the United States. From him we will not learn about the human values.
At the time of the World War I the Germany army which is arrested is permitted their meals firom the white camp quarters, but the other side blacks where their meal is forbidden in the white camp quarters dining room. The black who is our military soldier handled like a dog but Germans who are a prisoner of war that they seemed to be above that dog (?).
December 1st in 1955, one woman of Montgomery city sat in front seat in a bus.
The bus driver ordered to her go back side in the bus. The front seat was the place of the white but she was the black. She answered NO bravely, the blacks of the back seat which watches this scene were astonished. This woman was Mrs. Rosephak went to the sewing factory. She is at once arrested by policeman and administered justice. This event after that 10 got wider a racial revolution to the entire area in American southern part. Mrs. Rosephak became the great woman with the courage which is visible from the bus. Every year this event which praises her courage happens
With Mrs. Rosephak's affair, the blacks of Montgomery city open a bus boycotting as a event of that. Also the boycotting was happened for one year whether they walked or the colleague rode together commute to the job. This time driver's license of the blacks who ride in a car or the insurance was cancelled. The white police bound the handcuffs to the black drivers or passengers even in the slight traffic violation. As the Korean National Police did close resemblance thing before 50 years to the candlelight and the alarm demonstrative person. on the contary,
these also look like to be very shameful thing in korea.
1955 August, Emil tit, 14 year-old black boys in Money city of Mississippi, said bye babe to the white young girl. The black grandfather who watches this from the vicinity was astonished. It's not admitted that the black say babe to the white woman in the southern part. But Emil who is come from northern part Chicago hangs in the relative house did not know that. and that evening Kkk groups come to the house of the Morselight where Emil is lodged to and Morse who have a lot of trembled. in the end he couldn't help watching them while they take away Emil to the outside. The Emil tit did not return to the house in that night. And after how much the time Emil tit's dead body was discovered from the reservoir. and in that day two people who go out Emil accompanied by were sent in justice. The juries were all white. startlingly two people whites were judged an innocence. And those two people white who were killed Emil sold this kind of stories to the white journalists and received 4,000 dollars from them. It is not the honor murder which happens from India. its 50years ago happened in the United States. The country where the people whom says that this is right now, is still majority in the United States. Can you believe this kind of country and trust them as a global village police from now?
Three people black voter who registration campaign volunteer workers disappeared from Mississippi were discovered from inside the reservoir after almost six weeks.
Kills them were kkk grades and local police as called Sesil Prices.
Sesil three people covered a speed violation suspicion and confined to the prison and called kkk grades in that night. kkk grades executed these three people from that night in the deep forest.
the Mal com x who is the radical black power leader, was questioned from their teacher in childhood. what do you want to becoming in future. And then the teacher gives an advice to him because of the black can not becoming the lawyer, instead the black chooses carpenter as a actual worker.
Shanghai means a hijacking in English. The 19th century, Chinese from Shanghai were sold by semi-hijacking and from the thing. In 1882 Chinese emigration prohibition law which is the founded. Until before that the Chinese of 100,000 people which in the United States crosses over with workers finished their lifetime with the bachelor by this law as their wife and child leave in China. So people said the Chinese society is a bachelor society.
The American naturalized law the black, Asia orgin, Latin orgin and the Indian did not drive that there is not a qualification where the American citizen will become. This law came to 1952 and was disused.
Until 1967, the prohibited marriage law which is forbidden between the white and the non-white remains to the American law.
we can see the legal profession item frequently, if we try to observe the real estate register book of the white high-level area yet, this house will only be able to sell in the white.
Now, What is the meaning of the President Obama?
Unfamiliar Obama appeared like comet. He got absolute supported to make change. His life was common in African Americans, could be tragic to White Americans.
I think the meaning as President Obama is that whatever the situation is, trust yourself like he did. And at last, you can reach the top of a mountain. Like a motto of Nike
You can do it!
It had been common. However, the meaning cannot be changed.
§ Blood Diamond §

This is Racism
Sierra Leone Civil War
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme
Racism existed in many ways. The background of this movie is 1999. It is not true story exactly. However, it reflected a real background in some degree. And, blood diamond might still exist, somewhere. Jan,2003, 40 countries signed Kimberley Process treaty to prohibit distributing diamond from troubled areas. However, still illegal diamond exist. This is up to consumers. May peace come to Sierra Leone, Africa!
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
This is related to the Class consciousness.As the words are, racism is the belief that people of some races are inferior to others, and the behavior which is the result of this belief. And, basically, that racism such as slavery caused the American Civil War. There are still some problems that consisted from the previous life to now which can be perceived as one of convoluted problems. And, that problem is still alive somehow. I did try to express how one of those are still consisted.
This is related to the Class consciousness.As the words are, racism is the belief that people of some races are inferior to others, and the behavior which is the result of this belief. And, basically, that racism such as slavery caused the American Civil War. There are still some problems that consisted from the previous life to now which can be perceived as one of convoluted problems. And, that problem is still alive somehow. I did try to express how one of those are still consisted.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
What I mean about the sentence " ... the meaning cannot be changed." include that the meaning of the racism cannot be changed. The racism can be both steppingstone and the impediment to the history of a certain country. How? by the hard work from the slaves, the country can be grown strong. In that sense, slavery was the steppingstone to the development of a certain country. However, on the other aspects, It was the impediment to the history of a certain country. Because it is compared to the democracy by the unequality.The political belief of the most of the countries all over the world is democracy.
What I mean about the sentence " ... the meaning cannot be changed." include that the meaning of the racism cannot be changed. The racism can be both steppingstone and the impediment to the history of a certain country. How? by the hard work from the slaves, the country can be grown strong. In that sense, slavery was the steppingstone to the development of a certain country. However, on the other aspects, It was the impediment to the history of a certain country. Because it is compared to the democracy by the unequality.The political belief of the most of the countries all over the world is democracy.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and or processing it?
The democracy should be the political ideal for the growth of any countries. In that senses, the slavery which also caused the Civil War has lots of meanings. And, the fact that the racism is still existed is too pitiful to our human society. And, I did try to include those things through this artifact.
The democracy should be the political ideal for the growth of any countries. In that senses, the slavery which also caused the Civil War has lots of meanings. And, the fact that the racism is still existed is too pitiful to our human society. And, I did try to include those things through this artifact.
3.What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
Lots of people think that there's no more racism now or barely alive. However,the fact that the racism is still alive in somehow is really pitiful to our history of the society.
Lots of people think that there's no more racism now or barely alive. However,the fact that the racism is still alive in somehow is really pitiful to our history of the society.
4.Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
I think I did my best. Of course, there are some more problems we can't easily fix. However, I think the slavery is too tragic to out human society.
I think I did my best. Of course, there are some more problems we can't easily fix. However, I think the slavery is too tragic to out human society.
5.Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio 4 I did connect to the present world :D.
b)Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment 3
c)Impact on your learning 3
d)Level of creativity and originality 3
6.Any additional commencts.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
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