Eyes on Africa - Review on the first radiant week of digging Africa

Our target was to find the African Perspectives. Since our world gets too used to other perspectives, we were not be able to take a close look on the original African Perspectives. We couldn't indulge in attractions of real Africa. Our class including me had been trying hard to show the attraction of Africa for finding their perspectives.
One of my classmates William had presented about the reality of Pirates related to Somalia relating to his father's company. With the great location near Suez Canal, Somalia had been the wealthy trading center before colonization. Starting from that point, he had presented Civil Wars, Poverty, Location, and a sense of injustice. Through his presentation, he had focused on main reasons why Somalia still has Pirates that are getting rare with developing world society. With a particular subject about Pirates, he might be trying to emphasize about the meaning of Pirates in 21th century. He might have indirectly expressed the different sights of the world. With 2 videos which can also be evidences, I carefully think that he tried to show that it's happening on the other side of the world. On that senses, his presentation was powerful to show audience the reality that people may not believe. 
The second presenter Kuan started his presentation with the phrase naming Congo as the coltant Gorilla. Over the stereotyped concepts about Africa, he chose the most impactive topic  ; Ransom. He also shared the inner side of Coltan which uses for chips on cellphones, Computer and so on. Through presenting those topics, he had shared the anguish of Africa. The important fact he had shared was that it's getting worse and worse. I was wondering where our helping hands had been sent after his presentation. His scathing points of view had made global citizens realize that there are still some assignment that global citizens had to figure those out, contrasting the most wonderful attraction of Africa ; Wilderness.
The third presenter Lawrence showed the wild Africa apparently. Different from others, his presentation was the only presentation which didn't bring one of negative sides of Africa which we can also be shown from our stereotype up. Wilderness of Africa is the most impactive reality that a lot of people can easily be fascinated by. Even though he might not have any opportunities to take a deep look on Human Perspectives, he was the only one in our class who didn't come up with negative sides of Africa while other presenters who took Kenya brought up miserable scenery, reality. 
Excluding my presentation, Bob was the next presenter who shared us natural things happening in Africa. He had shared environmental issues and illegal logging. Magnificent wilderness in Africa had been ruined by illega logging. He made awesome jobs showing alive pictures in Madagascar. He had definitely shared how desperate illegal logging is.
Not only wilderness of Africa, but also the vigorous culture is the apparent attraction of Africa. Cathy brought colorful melodies in Kenya. She had shown audience that music was the most important in human beings. She brought an interesting point in the colonial period; playing music in Kenya with European Style. What was music flowing in Africa meant to African? What was music flowing vibrantly in Africa meant to European?
Amanda who was presenting about the Zimbabwe shared AIDS and the effects of the situation of the aids issue in Zimbabwe. She emphasized that the contagious diseases such as Aids, HID are continuous. She also gave a speech about the rights of Women, saying that woman was not highly viewed in Zimbabwe. She mostly dealt with the various concepts that we are extremely in allusions. She renewed limitation of help from all over the world. Since she dealt with lots of problems happening in Africa on the past and the current society, her presentation was impressive on the sense that she saw in many different perspectives.

Basically through the tribes, it was an amazing opportunity to get to know about human nature.Some classmates had shown their tragedy to realize how serious the reality is. On the other hand, some of classmates had emphasized the spirit of African tribes. It was interesting in both ways. To those who had presented about the tribes, some classmates had motivated me to realize the reality and to put myself on to those situation. They didn't emphasize any negative allusions related to Africa. Some of classmates apparantly emphasized negative things to show precisely. Both ways were really fruitful. It was great opportunity to get closer and closer to the colorful continent Africa.

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