-Class Consciousness
<What was the boom of that period?>
★The circumstances
The nineteenth century U.K was the hierarchical society. U.K has extremely the social-natural feature which was the class-rise oriented. Snobbism affected to that period.
What is Snobbism?
Snobbism was similar notion of vanity belief. Snobbism is same meaning with snobbery, Phillstinism.People wanted to be in higher class, The industrial revolution or colony politics increased the economy ability of middle classes, they were just middle classes to all ages, they were not treated as the gentleman, upper class.
How did the middle class try....
Generally, Middle classes treated industry as their virtue, For joining the line of higher class, they imitated the upper class's economy strength. They kept buying the land for being transferred. Some other parents sent their childrens go to public school for socializing with upper class's childrens. Through the marriage, they were absorbed to get peerage title, connections with upper class.
Why is the Snobissm related to 19th century UK?
During the Victorian era, Victorian era has reputation of class society. And, Snobbism was the one of the social natural virtue which was all about the classes. And, after the industrial revolution, Snobbism was the main boom. After the industrial revolution, as i noticed from my artifact about the industrial revolution, The gulf between rich and poor got serious problem. so, society characterized the classes. Come to think of it, The mammonism happened. That's why middle classes people snobbism.
Well, What i think is she is the representative for snobbism.
Why? Her parents are not that rich compared to the other students in her private school.
However, she decorated herself as if she is the upper class. Acturally she was not.
I think the character of Jenny could be good examples of Snobbism. Can it make you understand little more?
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
About the Snobbism. That was about the boom during Victorian era.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to? social classes during Victorian era.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and or processing it?
I think this artifact could be useful information of Victorian era. Because, I didn't know that fact that Snobbism was the boom during Victorian era. I didn't spent that much time,i guess. Because i enjoyed a lot by organizing the information about Victorian Era.
3.What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
The classes do matter during 19th century U.K. And that's why the Snobbism could exist during Victorian Era.
4.Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not? Yes. Because I tried my best to show what really happend during Victorian Era. Before making this artifact, I treated that Victorian Era is just legendary period. However, now, The Snobbism was the boom during Victorian Era which was treated as legendary period.
5.Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio 5( I think this information is complementary to whole 19th century U.K.)
b)Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment 5(I am satisfied by knowing the new fact during 19th century U.K. So, i didn't acturally think that this information forced me or something. I do enjoy a lot as the student.)
c)Impact on your learning 5(New,good information for 19th century U.K)
d)Level of creativity and originality 5
6.Any additional commencts.
I do enjoy by organizing this informaition. It's useful information to me about the nineteenth century U.K.
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