1) 1801
" The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland " England made ireland part of United Kingdom.
What's the difference?
Information : The British Islands
The expression "British Islands" has been defined in the Interpretation Act 1978 as meaning the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. The Republic of Ireland is not included in this definition.
2) 25th, March, 1807
Britain abolished their slave trade.
3) 18th, June, 1815
There are many references on the web to a partially obscured
signal message after the Battle of Waterloo, where Wellington defeated
Napoleon. Supposedly, only the words "Wellington defeated" were visible
at first, causing great consternation in England. Then the fog lifted to
reveal the full message "Wellington defeated the enemy" or alternatively
"Wellington defeated Napoleon", reversing the disappointment to great joy.
1st Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, defeated Napoleon at Waterloo.
Resolution against the Corn Laws passed by manufacturers in Manchester on 23rd February, 1815.
Because of Duty on imported Grain, food prices rised.
What is Corn Laws?
were import tariffts designed to protect the corn prices in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland against competition from less expensive foreign imports from 1815.
4)Peterloo Massacre(Battle of Peterloo) 16th,August, 1819.
Lots of people was gathered at Manchester to hear radical orators speak about parliamentary reform and high food prices. Peterloo massacre is thesuppression of popular movements in England. During the Napolean war, citizens suffered from the hardships of life and the requirement of the improvement by the industrial revolution spread out. Citizens assembled for expanding franchise. However, during the address of Henry Cecil, cavalry regiment made a surprise attack. Lots of peaple died or arrested.
British Revolution in the 19th century?
5) First Opium War (18th, March, 1839 )
The First Opium war was fought between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Qing Dynasty of China.
- Why ? The United Kingdom of Great Britain aimed for securing economic profits from trade in China.
England wanted to import the Opium, which is a powerful drug made from the seeds of a type of poppy, against China's will. Even, The British forced Qing Dynasty of China by keeping asking to abolish the trade restriction.When the China was about to oppose the England's offer, The England attacked with their fleets.
6) Irish Potato Famine September, 1845.
Since the South American plant had first arrived in Ireland, the lower classes had becom increasingly dependent on them. Potatoes provided the good nutrition which protected people from the Plague such as Scurvy and Pellagra. In 1845, The fungus Phytophthora infestans arrived from the North America accidentally. A slight climate variation brought the warm and wet weather which the blight thrived. The Crops rotted in the fields in terms of the potatos character which can't be stored longer than 12 months. There was no surplus to fall back on. Most people who relied on potatoes had to find something to eat instead of Potato. Even though the blight didn't destroy all of the crops, one way or another, Most people had to find the way for the winter. The next spring, famers planted those tubers that remained. The potatoes seemed sound, however, some harbored dormant strains of the fungus. When it rained, the blight began again. Within weeks the entire crop failed. Even though the potatoes were ruined completely, plenty of food gre in Ireland at the same time. Most of it, however, was intended for export to England, which would be sold at a price higher than most impoverished Irish could pay.
7) First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-1846)
The War between British East India company and The Sikh Empire was fought during 1845 and 1846.
It started in the India.
Which events lead to the Fist Anglo-Sikh War?
Events leading to the First Anglo-Sikh War
① Decline of the Mughal Empire
- After the death of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, The Empire began to decline steadly.
② Sikh dominance of the Punjab
- Ranjit managed to keep more powerful nations from invading his kingdom by implementing an extremely cautious foreign policy.
8) Indian Rebellion of 1857 : Siege of Lucknow
9) Britain's first permanent symphony orchestra is founded 30th,Jan,1858
Charles Hall(The pianist and conductor) founded the orchestra based in Manchester.The development of Music indicated the growing importance attached to providing elevating cultural activities for the citizens of Britain's towns and cities.
10) Darwin's Origin of Species by Natural Selection published. 1859
The biologist of England, Darwin(1809-1882), published the Origin of Species by Natural selection. He wrote about that how the living organism progress.
11) William Gladstone becomes prime minister for the fist time 09,Dec, 1868
William Ewart Gladstone
William Gladstone, who is the liveral British statesman who served as prime minister four times (1808-1898) after defeating Benjamin Disraeli's Conservative government in a general election, became priminister for the first time.
12) Declaration of Victoria Queen, 01, May, 1876
India came under direct British government control in 1858(one year after the India rebellion and also the remaning authority of the East India company was dissolver.) The Conservative prime minister, Benjamin Disrali, who was defeated by the William Gladstone, suggested to the queen that Victoria Queen should be proclaimed empress. However, his motive just seemed as the flattery to Queen Victoria. Despite Objections from the Liveral opposition, the title was endorsed and Victoria expressed.
13) The Battle of Isandlwana : Anglo- Zulu War , Jan 22, 1879
During the opening stages of the Anglo-Zulu war, The battle of Isandlwana was fought on January 22, 1879. After advancing into Zululand, the British troops guarding the camp at Isandlwana were attacked by the main Zulu army and massacred. The defeat at Isandlwana remains the greatest British defeat at the hands of native forces. More information about Battle of Isandlwana
14) The battle of Rouke's Drift : Anglo-Zulu-war,1879
The Battle of Rourke's Drift was a famed engagement of the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War. In the wake of their victory at Isandlwana, over 4,000 Zulus attacked the British outpost of Rourke's Drift. With fewer than 150 men, the garrison held out until the Zulus retreated the next day. At, Rouke's Drife, eleven victorian crosses were awarded. More information about the battle of Rouke's Drift
15) Second Anglo-Afghan War : Battle of Maiwand , July 27, 1880.
British troops under General George Burrows were attacked by Afghan soldiers under Ayub Kahn. In the ensuing Battle of Maiwand, the Afghan troops were able to overwhelm Burrows' men, forcing them to flee, but suffered approximately 50% casualties in the process. The battle was one of the few instances of Asian forces defeating Western troops during the 19th century.
16) Murder in Dublin, 06, MAY, 1882.
Two British goverment officials are murdered in Dublin. The recently appointed chief secretary of Ireland, Lord Frederick Cavendish, and his under-secretary TH Burke were stabbed to death in Phoenix Park, Dublin.
17) Anglo-Zanzibar War: Shortest Conflict in History August 27, 1896.
When the British’s demands were not met, they opened fired on the far weaker Zanzibar. The nephew fled the country almost immediately, and the British could claim victory.
18) Mahdist War : Battle of Omdurman , September 2, 1898.
: British Triumphant at Omdurman
Fighting near Khartoum, Sudan, the British under Lord Horatio Kitchener deployed modern weapons and decimated Abdullah al-Taashi's men. The victory at Omdurman reasserted British power in eastern Africa.
More information
19) Second Boer War , Noveber 2, 1899.
Information about second boer war
-Video is about the magnificant man and the trace.
the end of 19th century, Britain spread their power by dominating the cape colony in North America. And, in the south area, there are Transbal republic and Orange Free State which Boer people, who are the descendants of Holland, made.However, in 1899, England invaded for gaining Diamond and gold of the North America. Two countries were resistant each other, however, in 1902, they were merged by North America.
20) Conservatives are Re-elected 16, Oct, 1900
The Conservatives, benefiting from the British Success of the Boer war, are from splits in the Liveral Party, were returned to power.
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways? The Human Expression through the Arts. I was gonna find the art works such as orchestra or writing. Even though i couldn't find much works, First orchestra, origin of the species could be the examples of the human expression through the arts. And, i think that Art can't be defined the painting or drawing thing. Art could contain more emotional things such as the Music or Book.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
I put my shoulder to find more informations about the war. This Artifacts are mainly consisted of the War. So, that means to say, the contents show the Balence of Power : Empires rise and fall thorugh the War.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and or processing it?
In my opinion, Organizing should be appeared first way as Timeline. Timelie shows important events during the period by the sequences. I spent 5 hours to make my artifacts. I acturally found more supporting information such as wikipedia or Youtube video for supporting my poor explanation.
3.What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I found that the events that i put on this artifact are related to the other artifacts which are in tha Case Study #1.The war shows the range of the power by the results.
4.Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
I did! I made the timeline by TimeToast. Because when i did first time, i didn't think that it made me understand. So i made real timeline with timetoast for better understanding.
5.Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio 5
b)Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment 3
c)Impact on your learning 4
d)Level of creativity and originality5
6.Any additional commencts.
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