More Information about the income per person and the school cost during the Victorian Era
Income and The Classes
A quarter of the entire population of Victorian Britain was living in poverty. 40% of the country’s wealth was owned by 5% of the population.During the Victorian era, the middle-class was growing and those who were better off could increasingly have at least one servant. This developing group included everyone from industrialists and bankers earning over £1,000 a year, to shop-keepers and clerks who would earn less than £50 a year.
The upper-middle classes were largely made up of financiers and merchants (mostly in the capital), whilst the lower-middle class comprised of small manufacturers, shopkeepers, clerks, teachers and managerial officials.
Middle-class occupations accounted for roughly 7% of the population in the period 1850-70. In 1851 around 1-2% of the population had an income of over £150 a year. This figure of £150 was roughly the annual cost of living for a senior clerk in the middle of the 19th century, including £25 on rent, £5 on taxes, £50 on food, and £30 on clothing and the cleaning thereof.
Income and class were not directly related and it was possible to have a middle-class clerk earning less than a working-class cotton spinner. The clerk’s social elevation was in his manners, his dress and his background, not in his wealth.
Common labourers would earn about 3s 9d a week, and those with any particular skill, such as brick-layers, could hope to receive double that.
The population of England in 1851 was 16.8 million but by the end of the century it had nearly doubled. Whilst child mortality did not improve much during the Victorian era, adult mortality did. The life expectancy had been around 40 years and in 1871 the average woman was having 5.5 children.
Sadly, three out of every ten babies died before their first birthday, hence the large number of fleeting appearances of hitherto unheard offspring on the censuses.
The relation between income per person and life expectancy and health(Bad teeth per child)
The graph doesn't have any color which appears the bad teeth per child. All colors are white. What i notice from this fact was that the bad result of industrial revolution doesn't acturally affect to the child health.
What do you mean about bad result of industrial revolution?
As the factory industry developed, the pollution of air got serious problem. It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution. Nevertheless, that didn't affect to the teeth. Or, the good aspects outweigh the bad aspects. As the development of science and technology, the life expectancy has been increased after industrial revolution.
The slope shows that the United Kingdom's slope is more steeper than America's. By the increase of incomes, the life expectancy increases, too.
How can be affected to the Energy Use?
For living, we pursue lots of thing required the energy. Such as the making the product, managing the factory, etc,. We do need the energy for living even still now.As the development of science and technology, the slope still get up steadily. Unless the world stop their work, the amount of energy use will increase evidently.
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways? About the reading the graph and contrasting the difference of 1800s and 1900s.(reality)
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to? About the difference of change in graph of America and United Kingdom.
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and or processing it?
I didn't acturally choose this Gapminder as the artifact. Mr.Kinzer already chose. I spent almost 2 hours to create this artifact. To interpret the graph and To find more information focusing on the influence to reality based on the graph took more time than to create(click) the some tabs on Gapminder.
3.What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
I understood why does the life expectancy relate to the incomes. And, I could notice that my 3 graphs show that the line which shows the relation of the United Kingdom is more steeper than the America. And, i think i can get the meaning like that United Kingdom got modern country compared to America. Because the Life expectancy was higher as shown the graph above. And also, as the development of science and technology do affect the shown graph a lot.4.Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
I don't think that i put my best effort to this artifact. Of course, I do interpret the graph as i thought. Gapminder made the graph whatever i want to read. So, i didn't think that it's enough work. After reading the graphs, i was still curious about how the graph appears to the reality. I found the information about that.
5.Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio 3
b)Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment 2
c)Impact on your learning 3
d)Level of creativity and originality 0 - I didn't make the graph. Gap minder made it. And, the information is just the explannation of reality related to the graph. So i don't think that this work is that creative.
6.Any additional commencts.
To interpret the graph could be good way to learn. However, It was kind of hard to connect the ideas. I did my best, though. If there's another opportunity to interpret the graphs, i think that it would be better to understand the reality or guess the reality based on our learning during the class before reading the graphs.
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